Saturday, April 28, 2007

Whats Best For Swimming - Saturday 28th April 2007

I have been looking at getting Lennon some swimming trunks for when I take him swimming, but I cant decide if I should just get him some swimming nappies or some trunks with a built in nappy. If I get him the trunks then he will grow out of them very quickly but if I get him the nappies then I just use a new one each time.

Never Again - Saturday 28th April 2007

I dont know why I did it but I just watched a Home Birth Diary on Discovery Home and Health and the lady just gave birth to a baby girl that was 11lb 12oz! and she did it all naturally. Now I am really scared. I was not scared about the labour before but after watching this programme I am very scared. I know that at the end of it I will have this wonderful baby and all the pain will be forgotten in a matter of minutes, that is what is keeping me going.

1 Week To Go!!!! - Saturday 28th April 2007

Today it is 1 week until Lennon is meant to arrive! I cant wait, I wonder if it will happen in the daytime or the middle of the night?

I have one more Midwife appointment on Thursday, when hopefully she was say that his head has engaged with my pelvis ready for him to arrive.

I am definatley counting down the days now!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Extreme Tiredness - Friday 27th April 2007

Today I have come over very tired, I am not sure if it was the swimming last night or just being 1 week away from giving birth. I feel sleepy all the time, even washing my hair this morning seemed like to much of an effort. I just wanted to sleep standing up when I was in the shower.

I am going to try and get a few good naps in today and hope that it helps.

Swimming - Thursday 26th April 2007

Last night I went swimming with my friend Gemma, I tried to do as many lengths of the pool as I could manage. I think I did about 25 lengths, but it was only a small pool!

It was really nice to be in the water as I felt really weightless and it eased my aching limbs. As soon as I got out they started to ached again which is really strange. It must of warn me out as I slept really well last night. If Lennon does not arrive next week then I shall go again. I cant wait to take him swimming as I think that he will love it.

8 Days to go!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Trying to get things going - Wednesday 25th April 2007

I have started to try some of the old wives tales about getting things started with the labour. Yesterday I ate lots of fresh pineapple, which I am told gets things going. Unfortunatley nothing happened yesterday with that. I have found some other natural ways of getting things started that I am going to try;

  • Castor Oil
  • Sex
  • Eating Curry
  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
  • Nipple Stimulation
  • Homeopathy
  • Accupuncture
  • Walking
  • Blowing up balloons
  • Bouncing on a Birthing Ball
  • Get a weepy video and have a good cry
  • Wear your best knickers (sods law that your waters will break when wearing them)
  • Sit on the Washing Machine during the washing cycle
  • Foot Massage
  • Bumpy Car Ride

If anyone has any other good ideas then please let me know!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Arrivals - Tuesday 24th April 2007

I found out today that only 15 % of babies arrive on their due date.

Also 5 % of babies are 1 week overdue!

I do hope that Lennon is not late, in an ideal world I will go into labour on the 5th May....

Think 9 Months is Long! - Tuesday 24th April 2007

Elephants are pregnant for 22 months, the longest of any land animal. At birth it is common for an elephant calf to weigh 120 kg or 265lb.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weight and Date Guesses! - Saturday 21st April 2007

People have started to say what date and weight they think Lennon will be. So if you have a guess email me it and I will put it on Lennon's blog and maybe there will be a little prize for the nearest guess.

My guess is Sunday 6th May 2007 - 7lb 7oz
Daddy Wayne's guess is Monday 7th May 2007 - 9lb 1oz (ouch!)
Aunty Lauren's guess is Wednesday 9th May 2007 - 8lb
Grandad Paula's guess is Saturday 12th May 2007 - 10lb (ouch!)
Granny Erica's guess is Saturday 12th May 2007 - 8lb 2oz
Nanny Trisha and Grandad Chris's guess is Thursday 10th May 2007 - 8lb 10oz
Grandad Mick and Nanny Carol guess is Thursday 3rd May 2007 - 9lbs 13oz
Uncle Luke and Aunty Emma guess at Thursday 10th May 2007 - 8lb 12oz
Emma Hayes guess is Friday 4th May 2007 - 7lb 4oz
Kris Pattenden guess is Saturday 5th May 2007 - 9lb 2oz

2 Weeks To Go - Saturday 21st April 2007

Today there is supposed to be just 2 weeks to go before Lennon's arrival. I am really looking forward to it now but just wish that these last two weeks would hurry up...........

Gifts From Work - Friday 20th April 2007

Today my friend Susan came round to see me and the bump. She brought with her gifts from people at work. Work got me a really nice gift voucher that I can spend on myself when I am skinny again!! I also got a really nice present for Lennon from my big boss Tracey, which is a crocodile outfit and hat with a little crocodile teddy, I love it as it is so cute! I cant wait to see Lennon in it.

Thanks to everyone again for the lovely gifts.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Grandad Chris and I collect the PRAM - Thursday 19th April 2007

Grandad Chris took me over to little Grannies today to pick up Lennon's pram. He has taken it home as it is supersticious to have it in the house before the baby arrives.

I am sure that he will have great fun putting it together!!!!

Big thanks from Lennon and Mummy to Grandad Chris. Lennon says he cant wait for Grandad to push him in his nice red pram (which resembles a Ferrari!)

Midwife Appointment - Thursday 19th April 2007

Today I went to see the Midwife for my check up. She said that all is back to normal with my blood pressure, which is a worry off my mind. It means I can get back to normal (well as much as I can being 38 weeks pregnant!)

She also said that the baby has grown lots since I last saw her and that it seems to be since I have given up work and relaxed and rested.

I asked her about my extreme heartburn and she said that I need to either have some iced cold milk or ice cream. I do hope this works as I am getting heartburn most nights now before bed.

My tummy now measures 39cms! I am not seeing the Midwife for 2 more weeks now and that could be my last time seeing her before the baby arrives! fingers crossed....

Developments For 38 Weeks Pregnant - Thursday 19th April 2007

Can you tell if you're carrying a boy or a girl? One hint may come from the size of your baby -- boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls. Babies at week 39 weigh about 6.8 to 7 pounds / 3 to 3.2 kilograms and continue to build the fat stores that will help regulate body temperature after birth. Your little one's organ systems are fully developed and in place, but the lungs will be last to reach maturity. (Even after your baby is born, it may take a few hours before she establishes a normal breathing pattern.)

Wondering what colour your baby's eyes will be? Most Caucasian babies are born with dark blue eyes and their true eye colour -- be it brown, green or blue -- may not reveal itself for weeks or months. The colour of your baby's eyes in the first minutes after birth won't last -- exposure to light changes a baby's initial eye colour. Most African and Asian babies usually have dark grey or brown eyes at birth -- their dark eyes becoming a true brown or black after the first six months or year. Multiracial children often turn out to have the most beautiful coloured eyes.

Nursing Pillow - Thursday 19th April 2007

Today my Nursing Pillow arrived. It is really nice and I am going to start using it now to prop me up in bed and when sitting on the sofa. Its strange because its quite comfy. Granny Erica is going to make me a pretty cover for it, so that it does not get so stained as at the moment it is cream! This will be good for feeding Lennon and also when Lennon's newphews Harvey and Charlie would like to hold him.

Daddy Wayne seems to like it too, he is eyeing it up to take fishing after I have finished with it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fat Fingers! - Tuesday 17th April 2007

Today I have had to take off my Engagement Ring, Eternity Ring and Wedding Ring. This is because my hands have swollen up quite a bit, just like my ankles. It has really made me sad having to take them off as I have never taken them off before and I now feel like an unmarried mother to be!

I guess its better to take them off then to have them cut off, then I would be really sad!

Lennon's Pram - Tuesday 17th April 2007

Nanny Trisha and I are going to collect Lennon's pram this week from little Grannies house in Newhaven. Nanny Trisha is going to look after it at her house as its bad luck to bring it back here before the baby is born. Secretly she will be pushing it around the house!

This is what Lennon's pram looks like, I hope he likes it and finds it very comfy!

I can't get no SLEEP - Tuesday 17th April 2007

Every night now I go to sleep for a few hours, then I find myself wide awake. I have taken to getting up and reading on the sofa. Wayne comes in the morning and finds me asleep on the sofa! He is quite enjoying having the bed to himself but I am really not enjoying the lack of sleep. I don't feel tired its just so annoying lying there not being able to go back to sleep. Every position I get into is uncomfortable and then when I am comfy I need to get up to go to the toilet (which at the moment is very frequently!) if its not the toilet then it is heartburn. I am living on Gaviscon at the moment!

Please let it only be 3 weeks to go!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lennon's Pet - Monday 16th April 2007

Lennon's pet cat Alfie is looking forward to meeting him so much. I think he will really enjoy having someone little around.

Only 3 weeks to go!

First Day of Maternity Leave - Monday 16th April 2007

Today is my first day away from work officially, well kind of.... I am on holiday this week and then I start my Maternity Leave from next Monday.

Today I think my nesting instinct must have kicked in, I have started to clean the flat from top to bottom. I am doing a little spring cleaning each day! so that I don't get warn out and I don't want my blood pressure to go up again.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lennon and Josh BFF - Sunday 15th April 2007

Here is a picture of me and Lennons Best Friend to be, Josh Walker. They will be very close in age and will be good friends like me and his Mummy.

Think Josh likes cuddles from me so he can be close to Lennon!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Madness in the flat - Saturday 14th April 2007

Our flat is madness at the moment getting ready for Lennon's arrival. Today Uncle Scott has been busy hanging the lining paper in the bedroom ready for Daddy Wayne to decorate before Lennon comes. Also Grandad Mick has been here sorting out the hall cupboard for us,, this for all Daddy Waynes fishing equiptment to go in. Then we have had the gardener round to patio the garden, so that it is nice for us all to sit out in the summer and have bbq's....

Hopefully everything will be finished in the next 3 weeks before he turns up, lets hope he doesn't turn up early!!

Big thank you to everyone that is helping us get the flat ready in time.

Developments For 37 Weeks Pregnant - Saturday 14th April 2007

Only two weeks or so to go! This week, your baby is busy shedding his downy coating of fine hair (called lanugo) and his coat of vernix caseosa — the cheesy substance that protects his developing skin. Your baby swallows both of these secretions, which stay in the bowels until birth. Then your baby will excrete a blackish waste called meconium that becomes his first bowel movement. Meanwhile, you may be feeling huge — and increasingly impatient. But try to get as much rest as possible — even if sleep is difficult, you'll appreciate it after the birth

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

High Blood Pressure - Tuesday 10th April 2007

Today I went to the doctors to ask about my sore legs. They have been really sore for sometime now and it does not seem to be getting any better. The doctor did all the usual checks, when he checked my blood pressure and he advised that it was high and that he didn't want me going back to work. So now I have finished work early.

Daddy Wayne is not very well either, he has toncillitus. But we are both looking after each other!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Silcock Family Crest - Monday 9th April 2007

I found a picture on the internet of what the Silcock Family Crest is.

I am sure that Lennon will be really proud to be a Silcock and will make his name known in the world by becoming a great footballer!

I want to meet Lennon now! Monday 9th April 2007

I really want to meet Lennon now!

I am finding it really hard to get comfy at any time of the day, if it is sitting, lying down or anything. I am still get really bad leg cramps in the night and they are so tender from that all the time. I find it easier to be walking about, which makes me very tired. I am turning into a moaning minnie!

On a more positive note Daddy Wayne and Uncle Scott are redecorating the flat for when Lennon arrives and it is looking really good already.

Only 4 more weeks to go! please Lennon don't be late in arriving.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My Leaving Drinks At Work - Thursday 5th April 2007

Today I had my leaving do at work, we went to the pub at lunch time and had a few drinks. It was hard seeing everyone else drinking alcohol and having to have a coke but I got through it.
It was nice to get people from work together outside work and have a good old chat.

Only 4 days left at work now!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Real Nappies - Wednesday 4th April 2007

Today I received my free starter pack of Real Nappies from West Sussex County Council. I am going to use these for Lennon during the night and when we are at home. This will save us a lot of money and will help reduce rubbish waste.

Holiday in France - Wednesday 4th April 2007

Wayne and I were meant to be going on holiday to Limogues on Saturday 5th May 2007, but as Lennon is going to be born on that day we have had to rearrange this as I didnt think that I could fit it all in!

We are now planning to go on Saturday 22nd September 2007. Lennon will have to have his own little passport, which can you believe is £45.00. I mean he is only little! not only does it cost loads but you have to make sure in the picture that he has his eyes open, I am looking forward to getting the passport photos done! Also when we fly he has to sit on my lap and the flight company charge £15.00 for that, I mean to sit on his Mum's lap they charge us.

I am really looking forward to our first holiday as a family. We are going to a fishing lake in Limogues and we have hired a cottage that sits by the lake. So we can just relax by the side of the lake and take nice long walks together.

This is it

My Days Are Numbered At Work - Wednesday 4th April 2007

After today I only have 5 full days left at work!

It is very scary to think that I wont be going into work everyday, seeing the same people that I have seen for the last four years.

It is very hard to get to and from work now as I get more and more tired by the day. Wayne has been very good and is taking me to and from the bus stop, which helps lots.

Once I have finished work then I can work on nesting in the flat. Currently we are doing lots to the flat to plan for Lennon's arrival and also so that we can sell it in the new year and get a nice house.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Very Useful Websites - Tuesday 3rd April 2007

Some websites that I have found very useful during pregnancy.

Developments for 35 Weeks - Tuesday 3rd April 2007

Your baby now weighs about 5.25 pounds/ 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches/ 45 centimetres from head to toe. His elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when he stretches and squirms about. Soon, as the wall of your uterus and your abdomen stretch thinner and let in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles.
This week, your little one is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. His liver can also process some waste products.
There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds/ 11 and 13.6 kilograms and your weight gain has hit its peak. Even your belly button has got bigger and has popped outward. You may be feeling breathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. Although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't drink any less water -- your baby needs the fluids. But you may like to cut down on diuretic drinks like tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Babies Intuition - Sunday 1st April 2007

They say that babies can sense when somebody is pregnant well this week I experienced this.

Firsty my friend Sarah Gumbleton came around with her 10month old baby Henry. Everytime Henry came near me he would rub my bump. He did this quite a few times and he did it again when he went to leave.

Secondly my friend Sarah Southgate came around with her 12week old baby Josh. He really enjoyed being in my arms and didnt want to go back to his Mums! she thinks its because he could smell my milk and because I have bigger boobs then her!

I have also experienced this with animals, Alfie (our cat) loves to sit on my lap at the moment. This is not something that he has done before. Also Grandad Micks cats don't like pregnant people, they kept nipping me!

Bath Time Movements - Sunday 1st April 2007

Eventually Lennon has started to move around when I am in the bath!

Just little kicks and wiggles but he enjoys having water poured over the tummy then this makes him move about.

I am going to try and go swimming this week to see if he likes that......