Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Waiting! - Wednesday 2nd May 2007

Everyday now I am waiting for something to happen. I have tried loads of the natural ways to try and get things started but they have been no help.

Curry - this just gave me really bad heartburn in the middle of the night, so had to get up and have some Gaviscon. Not going to try that again.
Pineapple - I ate loads of pineapple and this made no difference what so ever.
Blowing up Balloons - I tried and tried and couldn't even get the balloon to blow up!
Watching a weepy movie - this did nothing but make me cry and cry.
Bumpy Car Ride - this just made me need the need a wee more than usual.
Swimming - I swam over 20 lengths and this didn't get anything going at all.

I give up, I think Lennon will arrive when he wants too. I have my last Midwife appointment tomorrow, fingers crossed she will say that his head has engaged.

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