Wednesday, May 16, 2007

11 Days Late - Wednesday 16th May 2007

Today I am 11 days late in giving birth.

Yesterday I had contractions all day long and they got to the stage where they were about 10 minutes apart. They were not too painful but I couldnt talk whilst I was having one. I rang the delivery suite at the hospital to ask for their advice they said that I should try and get some sleep as the contractions would need to be a lot closer together and a lot stronger. Daddy Wayne and I went off to bed expecting to be up and going to the hospital in a few hours. But once again we awoke this morning and nothing had happened.

Is this baby ever going to come out????????????????

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jokes to cheer me up! - Tuesday 15th May 2007

Pregnancy, Oestrogen and Women Pregnancy Q & A & more!

Q: Should I have a baby after 35? A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move? A: With any luck, right after he finishes university.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex? A: Childbirth.

Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational. A: So what's your question?

Q: My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labour, but pressure. Is she right? A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural? A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labour? A: Not unless the word "divorce" means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth? A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower? A: Not if you change the baby's nappy very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again? A: When the kids are in university.

10 Days Overdue - Tuesday 15th May 2007

Today I am 10 days overdue and it is really getting me down. I feel like a beached whale and I am finding it difficult to get about now. Really just want Lennon to come out now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

9 Days Overdue - Monday 14th May 2007

Today I am 9 days overdue and I have no signs that Lennon wants to come out into the big wide world. I really wish that he will get a move on as I am so fed up now with him being late.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Date Guesses - Saturday 12th May 2007

There are only 2 people in the running to guess the date for Lennon's arrival. Thats Granny Erica and Grandad Paul, they think he will arrive today! after that there are no more guesses so will just have to have a competition for the weight.

7 Days Late - 41 Weeks Pregnant - Saturday 12th May 2007

Today Lennon is 1 week (7days) overdue on his arrival into the big wide world.

I really hope that the midwifes are right and first babies are only a week late, this means he could come today!

Contractions Again - Friday 11th May 2007

Tonight again I had contractions all night, this time they were slightly more painful than before. Wayne and I went to bed expecting to get up in the night and have to go to the hospital. But this did not happen I woke up this morning as usual. I am pretty fed up now, just want to go into labour and then meet Lennon am sure its not a lot to ask!

Friday, May 11, 2007

6 Days Late! - Friday 11th May 2007

Today Lennon is 6 days overdue, is this baby ever going to come out?

Everyone wants to meet him and is waiting for his arrival but I don't think he wants to come out to meet everyone yet, he is quite happy in the warm comfortable womb!

Was He On His Way - Friday 11th May 2007

Last night I had really light contractions for a good few hours, they were not painful but felt quite strange. I went to bed to try and get some sleep, hoping that we would be up most of the night in labour. But at 1am in the morning they had disappeared. I am not sure when that means he will come now, I really hope that I don't have to wait until my planned induction on the 17th May.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sweep - Thursday 10th May 2007

I have been to my check up with the Midwife this afternoon. She has done the sweep so now its just a waiting game. She said that his head is very very low now and that he has turned his body around. If nothing comes from the sweep then I am booked in for an induction on May 17th, this could be subject to change depending on how many people are in the labour ward.

I have felt a few twinges in the last couple of hours but I don't know wether the are just in my head because I am looking for them.

Fingers Crossed!

5 Days Late - Thursday 10th May 2007

Today Lennon is 5 days overdue, I am keeping positive as I have the membrane sweep with the midwife today. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that he will turn up after the sweep either today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

4 Days Late - Wednesday 9th May 2007

Today Lennon is four days late, there is still no sign that he is coming. I am getting very impatient now as I really want to meet him and begin being a family together.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

WAITING! - Tuesday 8th May 2007

Today he is 3 days late!

I had some twinges late last night but they have come to nothing.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Still Waiting ! - Monday 7th May 2007

So far he is 2 days late!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I am Still Here - Saturday 5th May 2007

Today is Lennon's due date! I am still here nothing has happened yet.

My hands are very swollen and sore today, Daddy Wayne and I are having a nice relaxing weekend in together. Just waiting for our little man to turn up and join us.

Friday, May 4, 2007

1 Day To Go! - Friday 4th May 2007

Today it is one day to go before Lennon should arrive, I am not convinced that he will turn up tomorrow. I think he will arrive sometime next week. I have sent Wayne fishing tonight as there is no point sitting around waiting for something to happen. As long as he can get home within the hour then I should be ok, if not I will be knocking on the neighbours doors!

Gifts For Lennon - Thursday 3rd May 2007

Tonight Lennon's Aunties and Uncles came round to bring him some lovely gifts for when he arrives. He received some beautiful outifts to wear and a really nice photo session. This photo session allows us to have 4 pictures in his first 12 months. I think it will be nice to get one done about every 4 months. Also I would like one of just the three of us, our little family.

Everyone really wants to meet Lennon now and cant wait for his arrival.

Big thank you to Aunty Emma, Uncle Luke, Aunty Becki and Uncle Scott for all the lovely gifts for Lennon.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Midwife Check Up - Thursday 3rd May 2007

I have been for what I hope is my last midwife check up. She advised that he is still growing well. His head is still not engaged but she advised that sometimes this does not happen till contractions start. She advised that if he is not here by Thursday next week that I can go to her and she will do what they call a sweep.

After the midwife appointment my friend Sarah and her baby Josh went swimming, try and move Lennon!

Another Day and No Sign! - Thursday 3rd May 2007

Another day has passed and there is still no sign of Lennon ever wanting to leave my tummy! It has got to the stage now where people ring or text each day to ask for an update and if anything has happened. I mean as if they wouldn't hear if anything happened. I would scream it from the roof tops if he was coming, not only in pain but in excitement as well.

Wayne and I are still a little undecided on Lennons middle name, I hope we can decide on something soon.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Waiting! - Wednesday 2nd May 2007

Everyday now I am waiting for something to happen. I have tried loads of the natural ways to try and get things started but they have been no help.

Curry - this just gave me really bad heartburn in the middle of the night, so had to get up and have some Gaviscon. Not going to try that again.
Pineapple - I ate loads of pineapple and this made no difference what so ever.
Blowing up Balloons - I tried and tried and couldn't even get the balloon to blow up!
Watching a weepy movie - this did nothing but make me cry and cry.
Bumpy Car Ride - this just made me need the need a wee more than usual.
Swimming - I swam over 20 lengths and this didn't get anything going at all.

I give up, I think Lennon will arrive when he wants too. I have my last Midwife appointment tomorrow, fingers crossed she will say that his head has engaged.