Friday, March 30, 2007

Real Nappies - Friday 30th March 2007

I have filled in my application form for a free real nappy starter kit. This comes from West Sussex County Council and is worth £100. This is an incentive to get Mums to use real nappies even if it is just when you have the baby at home. I am going to try and use these nappies when Lennon and I are at home to save money.

The Home Washing Nappy Starter Pack contains:
• 5 shaped cotton nappies (small)
• 5 shaped cotton nappies (one size)
• 2 nappy covers/wraps (one small and one medium)
• 2 snap in liners
• 3 rolls of biodegradable nappy liners
• Wet nappy bag
• Information Guide on fitting and washing the nappies

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Midwife Appointment - Thursday 29th March 2007

Had my check up with the Midwife today. Bump has grown to 34cm now so getting bigger all the time. Head is still facing down, which is good!

She listened to the heartbeat again and says he has a very strong heartbeat and its very clear on the monitor.

I had all my blood tests back and they are all ok, Midwife advised that I am immune to Rubella.

My next check up with the Midwife will be at 38 weeks this is when I have finished work.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Compare Bump Sizes 27weeks VS 34weeks - Wednesday 28th March 2007

Braxton Hicks Contractions - Tuesday 27th March 2007

On Tuesday night I had my first Braxton Hick Contractions. There were just a couple that went on for a few minutes but I could really feel them.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
Sometime towards the middle of your pregnancy (or even earlier), you may notice the muscles of your uterus tightening for anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds. Not all women feel these random, usually painless contractions, which get their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who first described them in 1872. Doctors and midwives believe that Braxton Hicks contractions are part of your body getting ready for labour, and that they get the processes of effacement and dilation going in preparation for delivery. (This is called 'ripening'.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bump Watch - Tuesday 27th March 2007

Bump Size at 34 Weeks

Vivid Birth Dreams - Tuesday 27th March 2007

I have been having lots of different dreams about the birth and about Lennon. I keep dreaming that he is really big that he looks like about a four month old baby!

Apparently pregnant women get a lot of these dreams towards the end of pregnancy. Also Lennon spends 60% of his time sleeping now and apparently can dream as well. I don't know what about though!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Antenatal Day at Worthing Hospital - Saturday 24th March 2007

Granny Erica and I went to the Antenatal Day at Worthing Hospital on Saturday.

I learnt about the following things;

Pain Relief
Breast Feeding
Early Days after Birth

I also saw the Delivery Suite and the Birthing Pool, I really liked the look of the birthing pool it was very big and was in a really relaxing room. I also saw the Theatre in case of emergency c sections.

I am looking in to maybe hiring a Tens machine for pain relief during labour and I would really like to have the baby in the birthing pool.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hiccups - Wednesday 21st March 2007

Each day now Baby Lennon is getting the Hiccups, it feels like a pulse that goes on for about 5 minutes.

Sometimes he gets it after I have my favourite Coca Cola so I am trying to resist having it at the moment.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Terrible Back Pain - Sunday 18th March 2007

Today I have had really bad back ache, I think its because I did too much yesterday I need to learn when I need to rest. Its very hard to deal with getting slower and not being able to do as much as I am used to doing. Because the pain was so bad I couldn't sleep at all last night. Lennon really enjoyed himself though he just kicked away at my tummy all night long. I have tried to rest all day today to get myself back to normal. I hope this helps as work tomorrow!

Mothers Day - Sunday 18th March 2007

Mothers Day!

Its exciting to think that this time next year I will be celebrating Mothers Day for the first time. Lucky Wayne gets to celebrate Fathers Day this year!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Big Thank You - Friday 16th March 2007

Wayne and I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has bought gifts or given bits and bobs for Lennon. I am sure that Lennon will love everything......

Thank You!

Development For 33 Weeks - Friday 16th March 2007

Pregnancy week 33
Overview: Foetal development during week 33 of being pregnant - You will sometimes be able to feel a small fist or foot jammed into the side of your abdomen.
You: You will sometimes be able to feel a small fist or foot jammed into the side of your abdomen. Make sure your mattress is firm and supportive. Do not listen to birth horror stories, no two births are alike.
Your baby: Your baby's fingernails reach the fingertips, his skin is pink and smooth and his body looks much more rounded. There is a store of glycogen building in your baby's liver. He will draw on this reserve energy during labour and the following days whilst feeding is established. Your baby's brain is expanding rapidly, with the hearing and speech centres are maturing to a point where he will be able to recognise your voice at birth. A baby boy will now weigh more than a girl.

The Big Race - Lennon - Tuesday 13th March 2007

There was a horse called Lennon racing in the Cheltenham Festival on Tuesday, so we decided that we should put a bet on him. We put the bet on and waited with anticipation, 2.35pm came and he fell on one of the fences! Oh well you win some you lose some!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

What Will Lennon Look Like - Thursday 8th March 2007

I wonder what Lennon will look like, will he look more like Wayne or me????

Will he have Wayne's gorgeous Green eyes or will he have my Brown eyes?

The questions go on and on.....

Bank Account - Thursday 8th March 2007

I have opened a bank account this week to save money in for Lennon. This will be for trips out as a family and for anything that he needs. The money that I am going to save is from doing my Avon work. I have received delivery of everything today so I just have to collect the money now and then I can pay it into the account. Its really exciting to think of the trips and days out we can go on together, Mummy, Daddy and Baby Lennon.....

I have also sent off for some more information about opening a Child Trust Fund Account, the government give each child a £250 voucher that can be paid into the account. I think they then get the funds when they are 18. I am going to try and put a bit away each week into this account for Lennon even if its just a £1 a week thats £936 by the time he is 18 plus the £250 from the voucher thats £1186 not money to be sniffed at!

Well it will get him a car or something like that......

Midwife Check Up - Thursday 8th March 2007

Had my check up with the Midwife today, she measured the bump again and it measured 29cms this time (just keeps on growing!).

She listened to his heartbeat and said that it sounded very strong. His head is still facing downwards, which makes sense as he keeps kicking me in the ribs all the time!

She said that she didn't need to see me again for four weeks now, which is a bit scary as I will be 36 weeks then and just about to finish work!

I asked her about my swollen ankles and she advised to put my feet up at every opportunity, poor Wayne I shall have him running around like a mad man......

Next check up is Thursday 5th April 2007 at 12.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Forever Changing Bump - Wednesday 7th March 2007

My bump is forever changing size at the moment as Lennon keeps turning around all the time. One minute my trousers fit me fine the next day they are falling off because he has changed position!

My bump will be measured by the Midwife tomorrow at my check up appointment, it will be good to see how much it has grown in two weeks.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Developments for 31 Weeks - Monday 5th March 2007

Your baby
Your baby weighs about 1.6kg (3.5lb). His crown to rump length is 28cm (11.2in) and his total length is 40cm (18in).
What’s happening
From now until heis born, your baby will gain weight faster than he increases in length: he’s laying down fat, which makes his skin look plumper and healthier. His digestive system is getting ready to process milk; the rest of his organs are continuing to mature. He’s putting his developing lungs to the test by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid more and more frequently in preparation for the day when she will breathe air.
Sweet tooth
Your baby already knows what he likes to eat: studies show that if a sweet liquid is injected into the amniotic fluid, he will swallow more of it!