Thursday, February 22, 2007

Midwife Appointment - Thursday 22nd February 2007

Went for my second Midwife appointment today. Nanny Trisha came along with me too. She heard the heart beat for the first time.

The Midwife measured my bump again and said that it was 28cm long! when she listened to the heartbeat she asked if we knew the sex of the baby and I said yes a boy and she said definatley with that heartbeat. She said that Lennons head was now at the bottom and his feet up the top, this explains why I thought that he had turned yesterday. She did say that his head is not engaged yet, which is good!

Nanny Trisha bought Lennon a lovely outfit for him to wear home from the hospital, I have packed it in my lovely pink labour bag. So far I have packed;

Feeding Nightie
Small Changing Mat
Scratch Mittens
Baby Grow

I have started to write check lists of everything I need for the labour and slowly I am getting bits and pieces.

My next appointment is on Thursday 8th March 2007 at 12.15.

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